Parent Education

At Hand in Hand Family Resource Center we believe that parents have a right to information regarding their child’s diagnosis as well as the laws and regulations governing their child’s education and transition into adulthood.

Mingling Group:

The Mingling Group is an opportunity for families to interact with one another, meet new people and make new friends. We meet twice a year in March and September and enjoy a meal together then listen to a guest speaker. We have covered such topics as Parental Rights, PaAble, Lifecourse Framework and Sibling Relationships.


IEP Mini-Series

The objective of this 4-week mini-series is to give parents and caregivers, who have educational decision making rights, the opportunity to:
Dissect their child’s IEP
Understand the IEP process
How this relates to their IEP
Expand their knowledge to become equal participating team members

Parents and caregivers are encouraged to bring along their latest evaluation reports and IEP.

Children of the parents who are attending are invited to attend a STEM workshop that will occur at the same time.

Provided by Special Education Advocacy Services of Luzerne, LLC


I AM Safe


Sensory Tent